We've had such an incredible month of studying the number three and the ways of God's Divine Design. We've barely scratched the surface, there is so much depth to it!
Here's what we've discovered through scripture this month:
Three = God's Divine Design
Our God operates in three ways; Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit
His instructions for live allow us to be protected and flourish
We get to bring heaven down to earth
We are called to be obedient despite what we understand
God invites us to feast daily with Him
God is mainly invisible yet we see His visible results
God operates through a sacrificial system
You can only grasp God's deeper meanings by listening to ALL of the teachings. Otherwise you will only get a partial understanding.
Here are the podcast episode links on YouTube. Most are about 15 minutes long:
Three God's Divine Design https://youtu.be/XHL3rNlhhjA
God's Plan for YOU https://youtu.be/OBoSal-e-og
God's Unseen Ways Yield Abundant Results https://youtu.be/jK9iIgtzWXY
Wrapping Up Number 3 https://youtu.be/lmMsWJ5ngew
Here are the church sermons this month. Sermons are one hour long:
Heaven Comes to Earth https://youtube.com/live/yDwzfv5oGv8?feature=share
Your Promised Land https://youtube.com/live/UVjFkt-u2Ig?feature=share
Come Feast with God https://youtube.com/live/vYpwTFerS1g?feature=share
Serving Our Unseen God https://youtube.com/live/NMenn1g0JR0?feature=share
A Worthy Cost https://youtube.com/live/Q2Y-LIyjBfU?feature=share
We have to take our time studying the things of God. Numbers are so foundational to our world and how God uses them. If you haven't felt yourself spiritually grow this month, be sure to re-listen to the items above so you have a deep foundational understanding of the number three, where it is in scripture, and what it means to your life. And I want to emphasize listening to the sermon "A Worthy Cost" which will transform your mind away from thinking about earthy costs and into thinking about sacrificial costs which matter most.
There's also so much more to the number three - so I encourage you to look at more scriptures in the Bible to discover more treasures of how God uses the number three. And keep looking around you to hear God speaking.
I really appreciate these monthly wrap ups!