Glory to God that it's His job to complete us and to satisfy us! I pray that you feel completely satisfied as we get ready to step into a new study.
Through our study on God's completion, we've learned how to "let go and let God." Here's our recap of our study this month.
Seven = God’s Completion https://youtu.be/gN7Y3cx4w3c
Declare God’s Pure Words over Your Life. https://youtu.be/20dhh4QjIZQ
Eyes Like Jesus, Declaring Truth. https://youtu.be/dFtcJdJRn1Q
Need Completion? Give God All the Credit. https://youtu.be/NuYntJnv9W8
Wrapping up the #7 – God’s Completion. https://youtu.be/e2vw6YqhWH0
Church Sermons:
I am Satisfied, I am Complete! https://youtube.com/live/SBnKMiGFWS0?feature=share
Unintentional Sin, Complete Forgiveness. https://youtube.com/live/cW6aTF5bqiY?feature=share
Your Marching Orders https://youtube.com/live/1rGO9Xs2Ikc?feature=share
Life Application of the I Am Statements https://youtube.com/live/X9D2BeHGqyE?feature=share
Blog Posts:
Let’s Celebrate God’s Completion https://www.trumpetsoftirzah.com/post/celebrate-gods-completion
Complete in Rest https://www.trumpetsoftirzah.com/post/complete-in-rest
I Am Who I AM! https://www.trumpetsoftirzah.com/post/i-am-who-i-am
Do you have a testimony of how our study has brought you closer to the Lord this month? Did you experience breakthrough? We'd love to hear how God is working in your life. Email us: info@trumpetsoftirzah.com
Blessings upon blessings to you!