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Winds that Shift

Last month, we dove deep into the profound gift of worship. We learned that worship is not just a gift we offer to the Lord, it also transforms us. Paul wrote about this in Corinthians, to encourage us to look to Jesus and know that we can behold God’s glory and be transformed into the image of Christ.

2 Corinthians 3:18 

And we all, with unveiled face, continually seeing as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are progressively being transformed into His image from [one degree of] glory to [even more] glory, which comes from the Lord, [who is] the Spirit. 

Worship connects us to the heart of God, shifting the atmosphere around us as heaven touches earth. Let this verse be the prayer of our hearts in this season as we continue to grow. God is teaching and training our community to change the atmosphere around us. Worship not only transforms our lives, it also shifts the spiritual climate. The wind shifts things, removing our focus off of ourselves and our circumstances. A shift is defined as a change in direction, whether physically or in thought. A Divine shift is supernatural, that can be a small pivot or a major transformation. As we dive into this theme of wind, let’s pray together.

Jesus, I welcome the Divine Winds to blow over me. I welcome a shift from You. Help me to be obedient. Help me to release what I need to and move forward. Holy Spirit, we welcome You to have Your way. In Jesus name, amen. 

John 3:8

The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it is coming from or where it is going; so it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.

This verse is full of wisdom for the season we are in. I don’t know about you, I feel excitement and expectation for this month’s study. I sense the Lord wants to take us from one place and suddenly shift us into another. I’m excited for the ride and ready for the journey. All of the new things He has for us. Let us not miss what the Lord is doing. Let us be the ones who partner with Him in every season.


We have no control over the wind. The wind, often symbolic of the Holy Spirit in the Bible, only moves at God’s will, not ours. The Holy Spirit cannot be controlled by man. In this season, be intentional about submitting to the wind of the Holy Spirit. Trust His plan and His way. Be brave and courageous, allowing the wind to move in you and around you. Though we cannot see the wind, it is constantly at work, just like the Spirit of the Lord. When He moves, everything changes for our good! Be excited. Be encouraged. You may be looking around in the natural and it looks bleak. I am here to remind you to fix your gaze upon The Rock. Know that He is moving in your life. Trust Him. Rest and be steady in Him. His plan is perfect for your life. Change and transition are not always easy. That is why you have to welcome the Wind into your life. You have to engage. You have to listen and obey and sometimes you will need to be still. Lord, pour out fresh faith and hope. Change is necessary. You don’t want to be stagnant, dry, or stay in a place that God no longer wants you in. 

We can hear the sound of the wind. God is always making Himself known to us. He continually reveals His presence, yet we need spiritual eyes and ears to perceive Him. It’s possible to miss His voice. Let's ask the Holy Spirit for fresh discernment. Be intentional this month to lean into the sound of Heaven and recognize what He is speaking to you. Know that the Lord is speaking to YOU. Know that He is revealing Himself to you. You belong to Him. You are His. He has good plans for your life. Remember that according to His Word, you will hear and know His voice. Do not listen to the voice of the accuser who says, “That you are not hearing the voice of the Lord." Do not believe the lies. Shake off doubt. Shake off fear. Shake off disbelief. Make the decision to trust and believe in the Lord! 

The wind is for YOU. The wind is a gift from the Lord. Winds bring change, refreshment, and energy. Lift your hands and ask the Lord to release His Wind over you. Receive His strength and transformation as the Wind of His Spirit moves in your life. In the presence of the Lord, you cannot be the same. In His presence, you have everything you can ever need. In His presence, He equips, molds, and shapes. Give Him space and time to do what He needs to do! Trust that when the wind comes, everything changes in a second. Let go of the lie that you are behind and late. With the Lord, we are right on time, for His timing is PERFECT.


Consider how the wind functions:

  • Wind is invisible.

  • Wind makes noise.

  • Wind uncovers and moves things.

  • Wind shapes landforms.

Acts 2:2

And suddenly a sound came from heaven like a rushing violent wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. 

Do you hear the sound of wind coming toward you? Let’s elevate our expectations and faith. The Lord is ready to release a fresh wind over our lives. Let the wind carry a new sound into your spirit. This verse is a promise that when the wind comes a quick work is released. A new and supernatural way is being poured out. Like birds that soar by harnessing the power of wind, we too can learn to ride the currents of the Holy Spirit. Birds use the wind to travel long distances effortlessly, positioning their wings just right to benefit from its strength. My prayer for you this month is that you would partner with the Holy Spirit and allow Him to teach you to soar. As you partner with the wind of the Lord, may it carry you to your next destination with ease and grace. Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you how to soar in this season. You can rise above the circumstances as you soar in the wind! 

Let's Pray Again:

Lord, help us to learn how to ride the winds of Your Spirit. Teach us to soar and to rest in the currents of Your strength, and to fly with the energy You provide. We welcome the winds of change into our lives. Lord, help us to receive change. Help us to allow a shift in our mindset. Help us to walk in victory. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Exodus 10:19                                                                                                                                                  So the Lord shifted the wind to a violet west wind, which lifted up the locusts and drove them into the Red Sea; not one locust remained within the border of Egypt.

The west wind is a strong wind that brings deliverance, cleansing, and refreshment. This wind releases diving reversal! I declare the wind of the west to blow over every person who reads this. That you will receive the divine referral over your life. I declare restoration into your life from any harm or calamity. That a quick change and transition is before you. In Jesus name, amen.


Romans 12:5                                                                                                                                             So we, who are many, are [nevertheless just] one body in Christ, and individually [we are] parts one of another [mutually dependent on each other].

We need each other. Step into all that the Lord has for us this season. Embrace the winds of change, and allow the Holy Spirit to take you higher, beyond what you could imagine. I invite you to join our Heavenly Harvest Alliance program. This program gives you greater access to in-depth teachings on biblical principles. This program is designed to get you plugged into a community where you will grow as you intentionally dedicate yourself to the Lord. It also gives you the opportunity to sow into fertile ground. I invite you to come and join our community that is growing.

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3 comentarios

Miembro desconocido
5 days ago

Love this article Shanae, it is so refreshing and full of encouragement!!

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Miembro desconocido
06 oct

I love this topic of 'wind'. It is mysterious, and can feel shaky at times if you don't know the Source of the wind. May we learn to utilize the currents of the Lord to rest upon and ride the wind more skillfully and let Him do ALL of the ' heavy lifting'. Amen💖

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Miembro desconocido
03 oct

I just loved this…. Amazing how we each see things so differently and realise how one word… wind can stir up understanding of God and encourage us to press in… each in our own way. Your writing style and passion just lifts my spirit and is like a fresh wind blowing on the burning coals. Oh Lord thank you… a bonfire 🔥 in our hearts for you.

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