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Wind of Momentum

Woman facing outward, standing in a lavender field with her hair blowing in the wind.

The wind can be as subtle as blowing the petals off a dandelion, or the wind can be as fierce as a hurricane, bringing destruction to anything in its path. If you recall, hurricanes can be categorized into categories 1–5. Category 1 has winds from 74 to 95 miles per hour, while Category 5 has winds measuring up to 155 miles per hour. I am reminded of storm chasers or tornado chasers who follow the weather reports and have all kinds of advanced technology like dopplers and seismographs to track a movement, be it the earth shaking or the wind blowing.  This instrumentation is much like the discernment of the Spirit that has been placed within us to follow and hear when a movement is about to happen. The radar sounding within us is alerting us to follow the path that is being illuminated by the LIGHT of the world.


John 3:8

The wind blows where it wishes and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it is coming from and where it is going; so it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.

There is so much going on around us and we need to be attuned to the movement of the Wind of the Spirit like we never have needed to before. We need to be positioned to get in momentum with the Wind of God. Although, not as sophisticated, I also would lick my index finger and place it in the air to see which way the wind was blowing. There is a large, beautiful American flag on my way home from work that waves tall and proud. On a day with strong winds, the flag is fully expanded with all its splendor for which it stands to be seen. How much more does our life exemplify the splendor of the glory of God in our lives when we are aligned with the Wind.


I often will tune into prayer meetings and/or church services to align my spirit with the Wind of God. I listen to worship that is filled with faith, and I rise up on Eagle’s wings when I have been feeling bogged down by the cares of daily life. I refuse to allow myself to become desensitized to the movement of the Wind. I want that wind to come however He wants. Only God knows what I need at the moment, and I surrender myself to it. Sometimes He comes as a cool, refreshing breeze and sometimes He comes as a Hurricane 5, where everything becomes fully unhinged! LOL! I am a bit of a storm chaser, so I love these times with God. 

Now, when we think of our marriages, I don’t think anyone would disagree that we should fan into the flame of our love and make an effort to keep our relationship hot in every area. It is not religious acts or repetitive, monotonous actions that will do this. There are a few things I really like to do; putting babies to sleep and fanning bonfires. When we are using charcoal or when we have used kindling, I love to get a plate or something that I can use to start pumping my arms to fan that small spark into a flame. I feel such a sense of accomplishment when I see that fire in full bloom. How much more should I tend to the fire in my life? 

Acts 2:2-3

And suddenly a sound came from heaven like a rushing violent wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. There appeared to them tongues resembling fire, which were being distributed [among them], and they rested on each one of them [as each person received the Holy Spirit].

Now, I am not going to have a sense of accomplishment, because quite on the contrary, as the Fire grows, like John the Beloved explained, He increases and I decrease. So, to us, there needs to be an intentionality of putting ourselves in the path of the Wind. Like the 120 in the upper room who were intentionally waiting on God, then heard the rushing wind. I also try to set myself in a posture of waiting.  It is not because I found an easy way to do this that I am sharing with you. Actually, I have to pursue the Lord daily. It is a daily choice to wake up and choose to love God above all other things. It is a choice to lay my head down at night and think of Him, not allowing the cares of the day and the troubles I see all around me to drown out His voice and peace as I lay down.

The promise of God is that He will not extinguish a smoldering wick. I want to encourage any of you that may judge yourselves when you get busy or because things have been going on in your life and you are feeling distant from God or you haven’t been able to spend time with Him. Remember that God loves us and He is always waiting for us to return to that first love relationship with Him. Maybe today we need to choose to put in some effort and fan love into flame. 

I felt like sharing a few tips for cultivating His presence and inviting a fresh wind of the Holy Spirit.

  1. Have instrumental worshipful music in the background. I like to hear the sounds of rain in my office. It really helps me to drown out the noise going on around me. Even when I get busy, I can tune back into it. Here is my favorite page:

    Soaking in His presence -

  2. Ask the Holy Spirit about a time to get up in the morning, earlier if possible and make a specific place to meet Him. You may have an extra room, a closet, or a kitchen table. Just get out of bed and go there. Maybe you will fall asleep, but you are inclining your heart toward being with Him. HE LOVES IT! 

  3. Hang signs or stickers that remind you of Him. Personally, at work I have a sign with the word Peace in the office. I also have a frame with some graphics and scripture. I have a sticker that says, “Speak to your mountain,” and I have my mouse pad and wrist guard that have specific symbolism that represents the Holy Spirit and His presence to me. 

  4. I have a regular church that I am a member of, and I attend prayer meetings and serve. I also watch church online as an additional supercharger. It’s like sticking your finger in a socket and getting ZAPPED!

  5. When I attend church on Sundays, I go to give God my all. I don’t usually go with the intention of getting something from God. I don’t go to church service on empty. I go to church service with a full tank of gas, and I release what I have to give in the midst of the congregation as I join in the joyful procession of heaven and earth. 


These are just a few tips that I try to implement in my life and walk by. These activities don’t take the place of us praying, fasting and reading the Bible. They are an overflow from that. 

Let's Pray Together:

Mighty Wind of God,

Blow afresh on our hearts today. Help us to fan into flame the fire in our hearts. The fire and passion for Your name. A zeal and passion to run this spiritual race with determination and cross the finish line with You in mind as our GREAT REWARD. May all that we do be in pursuit of You. May we not resign our hearts to apathy and monotony, but may we seek Your will with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength.

In Jesus name, amen.

Come join the Tirzah Family for Fellowship & Church on Wednesday nights, livestreaming on YouTube. We meet at 5pm PT in the chat for Fellowship. Come get filled mid-week. CLICK HERE to find this week's live stream link.

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Unknown member
a day ago

“We need to be positioned to get into the momentum of the wind” …. YES 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻


Unknown member
2 days ago

Amen, this is my prayer I “ need to be attuned to the movement of the Wind of the Spirit” so good Thelma!

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