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What do you trust?

Trust. It's a word that can be used as a noun, an adjective, or a verb. It's a word that can be used in so many ways. We can have trust. We can be trusted. We can exercise trust in. The things or people that we deem trustworthy says a lot about who we are as a person.

So I ask you to pause and think about what or who you are trusting in right now.

Jeremiah 17:7

“Blessed [with spiritual security] is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord And whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord.

The Hebrew word for trust in the verse above is "mibtach" and it's only a noun and means an object of confidence.

We can put our trust in just about anything or anyone who lets us. And as we know, not everyone or everything can be trusted. And sometimes we've trust someone for a long period of time only to find out that they weren't trustworthy. Many times it's because we weren't taught how to test if something or someone could be trusted.

Our culture has taught us to look for "red flags" especially in relationships. And even sometimes when we've identified a red flag we can talk ourselves out of it because we want to believe in the person. But as individuals we are always changing. Since the day we were born we've been learning through living. We experience life, learn lessons, and become better versions of ourselves. But God is constant.

I want to trust One Who doesn't change. I want to trust One Who is wise beyond my understanding. I want to put my trust in the One Who can part a sea and walk on water. God is an "object" of confidence!

Jeremiah 17:7

“Blessed [with spiritual security] is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord And whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord.

God is our only Way of spiritual security. With man we have temporary security. Man changes and will pass from this earth. But God is constant, God is eternal. It's time to trust Him completely.

Trust God with your provision. Trust God to pay your bills. Trust God to open a door that man says is impossible. Trust God with the lives of your children. Everything that you need, want, or desire - hand it over and trust God. He will either remove the desire from you or He will give you your heart's desires. Either way it's a win-win!

Don't allow man to steal your trust. God has offered Himself to you and no one is able to steal Him away from you life - it's literally impossible!

Jeremiah 17:7

“Blessed [with spiritual security] is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord And whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord.

Believe in the Lord. Trust in the Lord. Rely on the Lord. Hope in the Lord. Confidently expect the Lord in all things and all ways. Our Almighty God is trustworthy.


31217 Pauba Rd, Suite 201, Temecula, CA 92592



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Blessed and happy are the people who know the joyful sound of the trumpet's blast! They walk, O Lord, in the light and favor of Your countenance!

~ Psalm 89:15

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