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The Divine Designer

You are His Poem, His work of Beautiful Divine Design. Our God never ever makes a mistake. His intentions are established, His plan carefully set out, nothing is left to chance and He never ever, ever makes a mistake. Put your hand in His and He will lead you and enable you to navigate a path of righteousness and fulfill your purpose, experiencing life to the full. He promises to make your path straight and even to broaden it so that you do not turn your ankle. (Psalm 18:36 ) You may lean on Him, press yourself close to Him and His presence will light your way, protect you and allow you to live a life that bears no resemblance to the life suggested by the world. It does not mean a life of ease because we know life is tough, we live in a fallen world, but it does mean a life where God is present and is a part of every aspect of your journey.

God’s word is alive with patterns of three…..”Divine Design”. His narrative starts with Himself, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit as All Three created a world in which man, His masterpiece, can live and find joy and delight in serving and fellow-shipping with Him the Creator or I love this, the DIVINE DESIGNER. Always remember, He created us because He wanted us to fellowship with Him and to enjoy the beautiful world He made. He made us, chose us and loves us! May I underline that! “In the beginning God”… and so He patterned the story of the world. When God wants to emphasize or underscore something He says it three times. He is the God Who is, Who was and Who is to come. His very nature is Triune…..Father, Son and Holy Spirit, three in one.

He gave Noah three sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth, three Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and He called the prophet Samuel three times. Jonah spent three days in the belly of the whale while Jesus spent three days in the tomb and so the list of three’s goes on and on. It is no wonder we, His “Poeima”, His masterpiece are three; body, soul and spirit. No mistake or after thought. The Perfect Design. The body, a perfect, unique vessel created to house the soul and the spirit. If you have ever studied anatomy and physiology you will be amazed at the perfection and complexity of our body. I was a nurse and it never stopped to amaze me the wonder of each organ and how intricately and perfectly it was structured to perform its task, and how together the body functioned like a well oiled machine. The eye is obvious in its incredible make up but our big toe is our prime source of balance, without it we will struggle to stay upright. A perfect body --- that houses a soul, so complex that no man can fully comprehend it. Psychiatry and Psychology have made huge strides in this area but still there is so, so much that is not understood.

Our soul, the mental – emotional, the cognitive (thinking, reasoning, remembering ) part of who we are, our personality and will, also known as the mind, and is the area of our being that desperately needs renewal so that we may know the ways and will of God. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – His good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 2:1) I am sure we all know this verse and can probably quote it by heart. It is a key to a Spirit led, obedient life. As we yield to God and allow Him to alter our minds, as we grasp the truth of His word which sanctifies us and reshapes the way we think so that we are transformed in our minds conforming to the image and mind of Christ. It is in the area of our minds that we really need reconstruction so that we can be in agreement with the things of God.

Our spirit and mind work hand in hand as our spirit discerns the ways of God. Our spirit communes with the Spirit of God, it is how we hear Him. Our spirit, the inner man, that was once dead is now made alive in Christ. We are born again and a new creation. Our understanding is opened and our spirit communes with the Spirit of God. This burst of new life is the beginning of a transformation process that sees us change from “the old man” to the new, daughters of a God Who showers us with love and compassion as He fashions us through the working of the Holy Spirit within us. We are a work in progress and let’s recognize that fact; then we won’t expect ourselves to be perfect and we wont put that pressure on our self. The spirit of a person is the lamp of the LORD, searching all the innermost parts of his being.( Proverbs 20:27) As the Holy Spirit works in us, filling us, guiding, empowering, teaching and regenerating us, He gives life to our spirit and so transforms us. He convicts us of sin in our lives and enables us to get rid of it. As we read the Word, the Holy Spirit brings understanding and revelation, and our minds begin to grasp the wonder of God. Not forgetting that it is the Holy Spirit who gives us gifts, gifts that strengthen and build up the body of Christ. Your gifts, healing, prophecy and words of knowledge to mention a few, are not for you, they are for the body to develop and strengthen others. All of this, not because we are clever, know the word or are disciplined and obedient but because the Holy Spirit works in us, and as we yield to Him our spirit takes the lead and dominates our mind.

The old way of thinking is put aside and we begin to actively embrace truth, throw out old lies and deceptions and allow the Spirit to change us. That’s why we can say…. “And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.” (2 Corinthians 3:18 ESV) The old ways have to die and make way for the new. We die with Christ as we publicly demonstrate when we are baptized in water, being baptized in the name of the Father, who created us, the Son who has redeemed us and the Spirit who sanctifies us………so we confess our faith in Christ and are made one with the Father through the Son by the power of the Holy Spirit, remembering always that our God is one. A mystery yes, no one can adequately explain the Trinity but as God has revealed Himself to us, we know that He is a God of three persons. That perfect Divine Design.

What a privilege to be known by this awesome, often indescribable, God who called us by name to fellowship with Him. Just as Father, Son and Holy Spirit are in an extraordinary relationship of Oneness, loving Each Other, honoring Each Other and revealing Themselves as One yet a Triune God, so we are made of three. Perfectly formed that we may be one with Jesus and one with God through the Holy Spirit who dwells withing us. God’s Perfect Original Divine Design. And so it must follow that our oneness with God means oneness with each other. Unity amongst God’s people is so vital to God’s purpose and plan. As one we radiate His light, not a splintered, watery light but a solid, powerful beam of light shining into the darkness showing the way to life and hope.

We are called to be that lighthouse that illuminates the Good News and invites the lost and hurting to come into that place of safety, security and well-being. As the Prophet Isaiah wrote, in Isaiah 32:1-2, thousands of years ago, “Behold, a king will reign in righteousness, and princes will rule with justice. Each will be like a shelter from the wind, a refuge from the storm, like streams of water in a dry land, like the shadow of a great rock in an arid land” In Christ - an image of the Church, a place of refuge, shelter from the wind, safety and provision. Again, God’s perfect Divine Design.

Let's Pray Together:

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for revelation of Who You are. Thank You that we can know You as Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that You have created us so perfectly to live in fellowship and intimate communion with You. Our bodies a temple unto the Lord, our minds created to understand and know You and our spirits brought into perfect union with your being. We are blessed and give you thanks.


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Unknown member
Mar 23, 2023

Such a beautiful perspective... thank you for sharing your love of the Lord with us and calling us into His truth.


Unknown member
Mar 22, 2023

So beautiful and perfectly written! I LOVE how uou wrote, ”The spirit of a person is the lamp of the LORD”!!! what a beautiful life we get the privilege of living as a child of God.


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Blessed and happy are the people who know the joyful sound of the trumpet's blast! They walk, O Lord, in the light and favor of Your countenance!

~ Psalm 89:15

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