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Situations Through Different Waters

Updated: Jun 4

a woman who is walking through the shallow water of the ocean with an aqua flowing skirt that is blowing in the wind.

This month, our focus is on water. It got me pondering the different ways that water intertwines with daily life: the calming effect of rain sounds before sleep, the refreshing water quenching my thirst during hikes and the comforting warmth of a hot spring on a cold winter night.

During this study, Pastor Shanae posed a question in our family group through the Heavenly Harvest Alliance: "What kind of water are we in?" This question sparked intrigue. Let us take a moment to ponder it. As we reflect on what we have learned about water and its various representations in different aspects of our lives. Let's continue our exploration.

Water Symbolizes Cleansing and Healing

Ezekiel 36:25-26

Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your uncleanness and from all your idols. Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you, and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.

My mom is a firm believer in the power of water (not exaggerating.) She insists that we drink at least one liter of water each morning and a cup before bedtime. Her reasoning? She came across some research suggesting that consuming a liter of water upon waking could eliminate toxins and possibly prevent kidney stones. One cup of water before bedtime ensures our bodies stay hydrated overnight. If I ever get ill, my mom always quips, "It's probably because you're not drinking enough water." Personally, a liter of water in the morning feels a bit too much, and I'm not entirely convinced that dehydration is always the cause of sickness. Nonetheless, her remarks amuse me (in a good way) and have made me consider things from a more spiritual perspective.

We often talk about Jesus as the Living Water that gives life. But are we making sure to have enough of that "water?" Are we spending enough time with God, letting His words cleanse us inside while healing our pains and wounds? Let's concentrate on God and let His words clean away our dirt and impurities. And let's make sure we drink enough of His Living Water so we stay spiritually healthy. 

Water Symbolizes Challenges and God Helps Us to Overcome

In the Bible, there were several incidents where water appears to pose a life-threatening challenge or obstacle in difficult situations. However, God used it for good.

God Parts the Red Sea (Refer to Exodus 14: 21-31)

When Moses was leading the Israelites out of Egypt, they faced life-threatening challenges: the Red Sea, which might drown them and enemies with horses and chariots who were pursuing them. Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea and God turned the seabed into dry land for the Israelites to walk on. God also threw the enemies into the midst of the sea, and not one of them survived. The water (the Red Sea) was supposed to be a challenge, an obstacle for the Israelites but God used the Red Sea for the Israelites and turned it against their enemies. It reminds me of the Bible verse that says, "God works everything for our good."

Romans 8:28

And we know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose.

When we encounter challenges, do we let fear control us, or do we trust that God can turn things around for our benefit? Do we seek God's assistance, or do we, like the Israelites, revert to our own ways because the situation seems too difficult?

Exodus 14:13-14

Then Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid! Take your stand [be firm and confident and undismayed] and see the salvation of the Lord which He will accomplish for you today; for those Egyptians whom you have seen today, you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you while you [only need to] keep silent and remain calm.”

Moses told the people before they passed through the Red Sea that they were not to be afraid, but to remain calm. Throughout the journey, the Israelites grumbled and complained, yet God continued to show His faithfulness by protecting, providing for and guiding them repeatedly. I can't help but wonder: What if the Israelites had been willing to learn and change their attitudes over time? Instead of grumbling, they could have calmly told Moses what they needed and patiently waited for God's provision. And when God asked them to fight, instead of seeing themselves as grasshoppers and their enemies as giants, they could have trusted in God and faced the battle head-on. The whole story would have been completely different.

Water Symbolizes Spiritual Growth with the Lord

Jesus Walks On Water (Refer to Matthew 14:22-33)

Jesus walked on the water, a sight the disciples had never seen. When they saw Him, they were terrified and thought He was a ghost. Jesus had to reassure them it was really Him. Then Peter asked to walk on the water too. At first, he was focused, but when he noticed the wind, fear set in and he began to sink. He cried out to Jesus for help, and Jesus saved him. Jesus said, "You of little faith, why did you doubt?" Despite his doubts, Peter tried (I don’t think I’d have the courage to walk on water), and when he realized he was sinking, he immediately knew who to turn to—Jesus himself.

When God wants us to learn something new, are we willing to try? As we step out, let's keep our focus on Jesus, not on our surroundings. Even if we get distracted by our environment, we know to turn to God and God alone.

It Takes Practice to Go Deep with God

Water also represents the depth of God. To truly know Him and go deeper in our relationship with Him, it takes practice. Sometimes, this journey can be uncomfortable. Just like diving, you need to take lessons before you can dive into the sea. You must learn to breathe through your mouth and adjust to the water pressure, which can cause discomfort in your ears. The more skilled and experienced you become, the deeper you can dive. Though I'm not a big fan of diving, I've heard that despite the fear or panic people might feel during a dive, the experience is worth it and they are eager to do it again.

It Takes Humility To Be Healed By God

2 Kings 5:10 Elisha sent a messenger to him, saying, “Go and wash in the Jordan seven times, and your flesh will be restored to you, and you will be clean.”

2 Kings 5:14 So he went down and plunged himself into the Jordan seven times, just as the man of God had said; and his flesh was restored like that of a little child, and he was clean.

This is another example of how God uses water to heal. In 2 Kings 5:1-19, Naaman, who had leprosy, went to Elisha the prophet for healing. Elisha instructed him to wash in the Jordan River seven times. Initially, Naaman felt humiliated and furious (2 Kings 5:11-12). He considered himself a great man of high rank and expected Elisha to come out and greet him, possibly waving his hand to heal him. He questioned why he had to bathe in the Jordan River instead of in better rivers elsewhere. Fortunately, his servant reminded him of the importance of following Elisha's instructions:

2 Kings 5:13 Then his servants approached and said to him, “My father, if the prophet had told you to do some great thing, would you not have done it? How much more then, when he has said to you, ‘Wash, and be clean?’”

Naaman came to his senses and followed the instructions, and he was instantly healed, with his skin restored like a baby's. Sometimes when we ask God for help, He may give us a method that requires humility or doesn’t make sense to us. May we humble ourselves and follow His instructions. Even if our ego blinds us, may we be willing to accept correction from those who guide us back on track.

Action Steps

Are you ready to step into the water with the Lord? This week let's be intentional about immersing ourselves in water. Let's get soaking; I remember my mom soaking fruits and vegetables in water before cooking or serving them. I used to think it was time-consuming and wondered why not just rinse them. After researching on Google, I learned that soaking removes harmful germs or chemicals, revitalizes flavor, and extends shelf life. No wonder it was necessary! There are many examples and benefits of soaking: soaking potatoes before cooking will wash away the extra starch, soaking stained pots with soda water makes it easier to clean, taking a hot spring bath before bed keeps the whole body warm and makes you feel more relaxed, and more. Let's incorporate the concept of soaking into our prayer life.

  1. Sit down with the Holy Spirit and ask Him for a water-related Bible verse that He wants to share with you. Consider how this verse relates to your daily life.

  2. Engage in a water-related activity such as taking a bath, enjoying a hot spring bath or simply soaking your feet in warm water for about 10 minutes (I add some salt to the water.) While doing this, meditate on the Bible verse that God has given you and take time to relax.

  3. Reflect on the areas of "dirt and impurities" in your life that you need to let go of. Imagine these burdens being washed away as you soak yourself in the presence of the Lord.

Let’s Pray Together:

Dear Father God,

We're grateful for this "water" Bible study session. Guide us to step into the waters of life, understanding that each season may bring different challenges or opportunities. Sometimes it means being obedient to avoid destruction, while other times it means allowing You to heal us or drawing closer to You. Thank You, Lord.

In Jesus Christ's name, we pray.


*** Denise is our beautiful Malaysian Tribe Member and currently lives in Singapore. She is a Tirzah graduate and has been a part of the Tirzah Tribe since May 2022. She's our newest blogger - be sure to leave her a comment.

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Unknown member
Jun 05

I loved the depth of this water soaked message. As we are porous, like rocks, we were created this way so that the Lord Jesus could fill us completely. This is necessary for our well being, and is just a reminder that we need to be cleansed and purified every day🕊. When His instructions don't make sense, it confirms that we need to grow deeper in trust so that we can follow Him wherever He leads us. "Though you pass through the waters🌊🌊🌊, I will be with you"💖

Unknown member
Jun 11
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Thanks for the your sharing in the comment: When His instructions don't make sense, it confirms that we need to grow deeper in trust so that we can follow Him wherever He leads us. Wow!!


Unknown member
Jun 01

I will never look at water the same after reading this. Thank you so much for this beautiful devotion. 💧❤️💦❤️💧

Unknown member
Jun 11
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Thanks Stephanie :)


Unknown member
May 30

This is so beautiful Denise. I love how the water is cleansing, healing and leads us to trusting the Father. I appreciate the action steps as a reminder that we are to sit, relax, spend time with the Lord and be cleansed.

Unknown member
Jun 11
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Thanks Michele :)


Unknown member
May 29

I love this Denise! So many different situations and so many different bodies of water! 💧💦

Unknown member
May 30
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Thanks Carina, I loved this Water Bible Study.


Unknown member
May 29

So good Denise. Thank you for bringing everything together! I love how you pointed out when “God wants us to learn something new, are we willing to try? As we step out, let's keep our focus on Jesus, not on our surroundings. Even if we get distracted by our environment, we know to turn to God and God alone.” Walking on water was a new thing - a new level of trust and faith! Lord I say yes to the next level of trust and faith in You.

Unknown member
May 30
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Thanks Shanae, I actually feel so touched that Peter is willing to walk on the water, even though he got scared half way.

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