When you received Jesus into your heart and made Him Lord of your life, you
received many gifts, privileges and legal rights in the spiritual realm. This is our position in the Lord. It is one full of power and authority that has been delegated by God through Jesus.
Galatians 4:7
Therefore you are no longer a slave (bond – servant), but a son; and if a son, then also
an heir through [the gracious act of] God [through Christ].
Luke 10:19 tell us that we have been given the authority and power to “tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you.” To tread on serpents means to be protected from danger. This is amazing news for you and I. Do you realize that not even satan, sickness, or circumstance can hold you back when your in right standing with the Lord? When you are filled with the Holy Spirit and you use your authority and power, nothing can hurt you. Nothing can stop you! Authority is translated as freedom, right and permission. Authority is the delegated right to rule, lead, act and decide. Authority is the right to command and judge. God has given it to us.
Jesus tells us in Mark 11:23
I assure you and most solemnly say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be lifted up and thrown into the sea!’ and does not doubt in his heart [in God’s unlimited power], but believes that what he says is going to take place, it will be done for him [in accordance with God’s will].
We have been given to the authority to speak to the mountain and it has to move in the name of Jesus! We have been given everything to rise above and rest in victory. I know in my personal life I had to learn to walk this out. I’ve had to grow in my understanding of my authority. We have to come to a place in our faith and believe the Word of God for our life. You have to know who you are in Christ. Trusting that you are heard and seen. You have to believe and have the faith that God hears you and will answer your prayers just like His Word tells us. This is a key to walking in our authority. We must understand that we can do nothing apart from the Lord and trust in Him to move on our behalf. We only can because it is done in Him, for Him and through Him. We are citizens of heaven, the kingdom of God. Do you know your rights? Jesus paid the highest price so that we could be in right standing with our Father and receive the fullness of what He has for us now!
Colossians 1:13
For He has rescued us and has drawn us to Himself from the dominion of darkness, and has transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son.
We have been delivered from the power of darkness. Do you realize what this mean for you? Children of God have been given the right of freedom in Jesus! It is freedom from slavery and from the ways of the world. Remember that even death has been swallowed up in VICTORY. I know when I have felt weak or defeated BUT I go back over my history with the Lord. I remember all the things He has done for me. I start to praise God for the victory of the Cross. I start to thank Him for the Blood and what it means for my life. In 1 Corinthians 15:54 “…Death is swallowed up in victory (vanished forever)…” When I read that even death cannot hold me down, I feel my faith level rise up and my hope increases. My perspective changes and my focus get put back on Jesus. I know that I can completely trust in the Lord and He will back my words and enable me to speak to the mountain and I will see it move.
Remember Moses when he raised his staff in faith and the waters parted? We must learn to steward our authority well and responsibly. Full of justice, righteousness and goodness. When we act on our authority it should be a blessing. We must take this responsibility seriously and use it with integrity. Within you, you have the authority and power granted by being child of God to take the name of Jesus, along with the Holy Spirit, and run the enemy out of your affairs and life. He has neither right nor authority in your life. We should be taking back ground for the kingdom of God. We should be speaking into the atmosphere and people around us. Releasing His peace every chance we get; using it for physical protection and speaking to the storm. Know that it is God’s will for His children to stop the enemy and rule and reign over him. Know that you are not alone. The Holy Spirit is with us. He is the BEST teacher and will show you the Way. The authority of the Lord is so important to knowing your identity in Christ. We have to have a firm foundation in Him. I encourage you to to join our ever growing Tirzah Tribe. Whether it be for our weekly church serves or events. Grow in the your knowledge of the Lord. Grow in His ways. Know is heart for you and His plans. When we don’t know our rights, we can miss out on a lot of wonderful things that belong to us in Christ. Let this be the season that you start to walk in all God has for you. That this would be the start that you fulfill your purpose and calling and take back what the enemy has stolen. My hope is that as you read this, a stirring to go deeper in your walk with the Lord will take place. That you would see yourself how the Father see you. Holy Spirit help us to live a set apart life. Know that you have been marked by Blood and called to cast out demons, heal the sick, draw people to Jesus and to move in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Know that God hears you and sees you. As a child of God, we get the privilege and the honor to partner with the Lord, to be used as He leads.
Thank you Lord that we have been given the right to act without any hindrance. Give us
revelation of this truth and Holy Spirit help us to walk in our God given authority and
power. Let all that we do bring You glory Father. Thank you Jesus for all that you have
done in my life. Help me to fulfill my calling and purpose. Let every step, every word,
action and reaction be for the kingdom of God. I place my full trust and confidence in
You alone Lord. In Your Mighty Name Jesus, AMEN!
Thank you for the prayer to "act without hindrance." AMEN!
Yes ! Fabulous Shanae. Inspired to go ! Bless you and thank you !!!
Fabulous Shanae - Amen!! Love this ❤️🔥🗡
Wise Words My Sister Shanae Thank You kindly See you tonight