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Miracle of Oil

amber oil pouring out of a clear glass bottle

Oil is one of my favorite topics in the Word of God because it represents so many wonderful promises and life-changing events for us to grab ahold of. As we dive into the wonder and precious gift of oil, I want you to pause and let’s pray together. 

Holy Spirit, I ask You to align me with Your promises for my life. Raise my faith level. Raise my expectation level. Impart fresh hope into me. Fill me up to overflow with fresh oil that releases miracles, multiplication and clarity. I chose to trust in You. I believe Your Word for my life. In Jesus' name. Amen.


As we journey together, I want you to see yourself receiving fresh oil into your life and circumstances. Oil is mentioned over 200 times in the Bible. Oil has several meanings and uses in the Bible. One of the uses is anointing, which means oil is used to set people apart that are chosen by the Lord. It enables the fragrance oil to be poured over a person’s head. Kings were anointed to signify their divine right to rule in 1 Samuel 16.  Another way oil is used is for the consecration of an object. This is when oil is placed upon an object such as the Ark of Covenant. We can read about this in Exodus 30. Additionally, oil was used as medicine due to its healing properties which we find in Mark 6. Oil was also used by the Irsaelites for cooking. Oil can represent the Holy Spirit and the Presence of God, Galatians 5. Oil represents symbolism and courtesy, while the abundance of oil signifies prosperity as found in Deuteronomy 32.  This is just a small list of the meanings and uses of oil in the Bible.  Oil was so important back then, yet also very important now because the meaning and uses do not change.  I hope you can see how much we need oil in our lives! 

2 Kings 4:6-7

When the containers were all full, she said to her son, “Bring me another container.” And he said to her, “There is not a one left.” Then the oil stopped [multiplying]. Then she came and told the man of God. He said, “Go, sell the oil and pay your debt, and you and your sons can live on the rest.” 

Now let us begin with the first miraculous testimony of the widow’s oil. The full story may be read in 2 Kings 4. We know her husband died and she was a widow left to take care of her sons. There was a loan that needed to be paid. The husband’s creditor was coming to take her two sons to become slaves as payment for the debt. I want to focus on the second verse as I think there are some nuggets.

2 Kings 4:2

Elisha said to her, “What shall I do for you? Tell me, what do you have [of value] in the house?” She said, “Your maidservant has nothing in the house except a [small jar [of olive] oil. 

We can’t get to the best part of our own lives if we cannot see what has been made available to us. This widow did not argue, try to rationalize or even ask questions. She sought help from a trusted, verified man of God and she listened. She followed instructions and she had FAITH. She was not only able to pay off all the debt; she even had enough left to live off of. This is abundance. This is overflow. This was a long-lasting provision. I look back on my own life to see the numerous times the Lord made a way when in the natural I should have come up short, YET the Lord releases a miracle. He always comes through. Allow fresh hope to fall upon you. Ask the Holy Spirit for fresh eyes to see and ears to hear! Ask the Lord to show you what He can bless that is in your possession already.

Now, in case you have forgotten this truth (I’m sure you haven't), JESUS plus nothing equals EVERYTHING! This is a fact. All the odds, facts, and numbers can be against you. With the Lord, everything is possible. The widow received miracles for her life and her sons. Ask the Lord for His perspective on your life and begin to see how He sees.

Matthew 25:13

Therefore, be on the alert [be prepared and ready], for you do not know the day nor the hour [when the Son of Man will come].

Let us look at the oil from the 10 virgins in Matthew 25. (Hang in here with me.) I know what you're thinking - I have heard so many sermons based on this parable; however, I want to point out how the oil enables you to make the journey. What we learn from the five virgins who prepared with enough oil is how that oil allowed them to see the path clearly. They were prepared and ready for the King to summon them. They made sure to have enough oil with them.

Have you ever been in a dark room? I was on vacation in South Africa with my husband and we stayed in a tent. I will never forget how dark it was. I could not see my own hand in front of my face. This was inside our tent when the power and generators went out; we had no access to any light. Nothing was visible. We both did not dare try to move for fear of getting hurt or going the wrong way. You see, without the proper light, you cannot move forward safely. To make a journey, there is a lot of preparation needed. Like the 10 virgins, who I am assuming had instruction to be ready because they could be summoned by the king at any time. They each had to know they were expected to take a journey of some distance. It is important to note that the five who were not prepared missed out. You see how the oil enables you to be able to handle the journey ahead but gives you the ability to see clearly. 

Psalm 92:10 

But my horn [my emblem of strength and power] You have exalted like that of a wild ox; I am anointed with fresh oil [for Your service].

You might be asking, How do I get fresh oil in my life? You get fresh oil when you learn to emerge yourself in the Word. Allow the Word of God to transform your mindset. Turn to the Lord with discouragement, doubt, unbelief, anything that is not from Him and ask Him to fill you with His Holy Spirit. Ask the Lord to pour out Truth, Peace, Strength, and Wisdom. The Spirit of God is the oil in your life that will never run dry unless you turn from Him or His ways. Another way to receive fresh oil in your life is to listen and read the testimonies of the goodness of the Lord. I personally love to find one Bible verse that speaks directly to my situation and I read it in several translations over and over and I allow that verse to fill me up until I know I am walking in its truth.


Are you experiencing a lack in your life? Do you need light for the journey that God has called you to? Does your life feel hopeless, or does the mountain of the impossible seem larger than you? I invite you to come closer and connect with Trumpets of Tirzah. Come and join us in equally yoked community. Come and receive fresh impartation from the several ways to learn, grow, and mature in the ways of the Lord. You are not alone. We welcome you to a safe place to thrive either in our Heavenly Harvest Alliance Program, which is open to all, or our women-only 7-month Transformational Leadership Certificate program. 

Let us pray together and call on the God of Miracles!

Lord, pour out fresh oil upon every person reading this blog post. I ask that You fill them up to overflow. Leave nothing dry! Lord, you know the many needs of Your children. I ask for fresh oil to be poured over all areas of lack. Fresh oil over despair. Fresh oil over any confusion. Thank Jesus for releasing overflow into every area of our lives.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

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This is so refreshing. ❤️❤️❤️



Such a wonderful reminder to continually seek and ask the Lord daily for fresh oil and fresh anointing upon every area of my life. We just need to keep going...keep walking with Him, keep inviting Him into every area of our lives. Expectation...that God is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him. Lord I receive your fresh oil with thanksgiving. Amen💖



What a great blog to kick off our study on oil. So many things to start thinking about.



Thank you. you have added such a helpful insight. i shall go and read the parable of the 10 Virgins with new interest. Bless you.



This is such a lovely teaching on the importance of oil. It is amazing how many uses there are for oil. I especially love how oil helps us to have that unwavering trust and belief.

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