In January, we learned about bread, the symbolic provision of God, and how it is an invitation to come and take our personal seat at the Lord’s Table. It's here that the children of the Lord can receive freely until we are full and satisfied. In February, we learned about wine and in my sermon I talked about the process of wine making in the natural and how it represents a purification process. Now, we are in March and will study Communion. It is amazing to me how each theme has a level of interaction and participation on our part. We serve a personal and relational God. Communion is our meal of triumph. This is the place where we receive all that we need. Not by our own hands but by our Savior. It's your personal invite to dine with the King. From this close place of relationship, we are ready to enter into the refinement process and are ready to come to the higher place of communion with Jesus to receive. You see how each phase builds upon one another? You cannot skip a step.
Revelation 3:20
Behold, I stand at the door [of the church] and continually knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him (restore him), and he with Me.
As you read this post on communion, I pray your eyes, ears, heart and mind are awakened to a depth of truth that you have not received before. Come to the table and dine with the One who cannot fail you. Communion is another meal that the Lord is inviting you to. Close your eyes and see the extending hand of Jesus reaching out to you. Hear the voice of the Father calling your name. Pause and say out loud, “I receive Your personal invite, Jesus. I want everything that You have for me. Let nothing keep me from You.” There are many things in this world that will come against you for we know the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10.) Jesus himself said that life would not be easy BUT He promises that those who believe in Him will have a GREATER hope. (John 16:33.)
Communion is NOT an obligation. The posture should be a place of celebration and not lamination. Full of thanksgiving.
Communion is a FREE GIFT
Communion is defined as an agreement when several people join together and partake together of ONE thing. Isn’t this beautiful?
Jesus is the One that brings us all together. We are one with Him. The Lord’s Supper is an invitation into all things good, pleasing, and full of life.
Luke 24:30-31
And it happened that as He reclined at the table with them, He took the bread and blessed it, and breaking it, He began giving it to them. Then their eyes were [suddenly] opened [by God] and they [clearly] recognized Him, and He vanished from their sight.
Jesus is our greatest example. He is our One focus. The life of Jesus before and after the Cross matters and is important. I say this because the posture of Jesus means something to me. “He was reclining at the table.” Why does this matter? Everything about our precious Savior matters. Reclining while eating was a Greek practice that Romans eventually adopted and so this was a normal dining position for the time. You will find this posture mentioned in other passages, for example; when Jesus “was reclining at the table” as a woman poured expensive perfume on His head found in Matthew 26:7, and John 13:12 “after having washed the disciple's feet and reclined at the table” and in John 13:23 “Lying back on Jesus’ chest was one of His disciples, whom Jesus loved.” There are more mentions of reclining and I encourage you to go and find them for yourself to discover the treasure of the Word. However, I believe we can glean from the “reclining position.” In these examples, we can learn so much. You see not only the posture of Jesus but also of His disciples. These examples give a beautiful glimpse of security, relaxation and trust. How is your relationship with the Lord? Do you feel safe? Are you comfortable with Him? Do you spend time just being in His presence?
The communion meal transforms the one who eats it. This meal can only come from the Lord and it changes everything for those who participate. Communion is an act of sharing consecrated bread and wine. In Strong’s Concordance the Greek definition of communion is partnership, fellowship, participation, and contributory help. In Hebrew, communion is defined as joint participation, sharing and intimacy. The Lord is calling after each of us to come closer. Communion is a sacred time of fellowship with the Lord. Communion looks forward, points to hope and to the vision leading us to Jesus. Communion is beautiful because we are not just mere observers. Communion is about fellowship and how it is a priority. To dine and recline with Jesus, to rest in His security and comfort that the world cannot ever provide. There is freedom and life-giving truth of being loved by Him. The Kingdom of Heaven is about feasting with the King while reclining with Him. It's a time to gain His understanding and perspective. Feasting on His Word until we are fully satisfied and then sharing it with others from the overflow. BUT WE have to partake. The word partake is an action word; we are to be a part of something by taking action. The definition of partake is to “eat or drink (something.)” We serve such a good God that He wants us His children to participate in the Lord's Supper. This should make you feel special and set apart from the world.
Do you feel tired, weak, or unsatisfied? This week, press into the Words of Jesus...
John 6:35
Jesus replied to them, “ I am the Bread of Life. The one who comes to Me will never be hungry, and the one who believes in Me [as Savior] will never be thirsty [for that one will be sustained spiritually].”
These words are a promise to you and I. Trust in God as the Bread of Life in our lives. This is an “I AM” statement meaning Jesus is referring to Himself, giving us perspective on who He is. You can come to Jesus if you need a miracle. You can come to Jesus if you are lonely, burdened, and brokenhearted. You can come to the Bread of Life if you need a fresh touch of His presence. This is a beautiful promise for the believer. You can come to Him for anything at any time. Take time this week to develop your relationship with the Sustainer. Allow Him to fill your needs, voids, or hurts. Allow the Bread of Life to replenish and refresh you.
Time to Reflect
I invite you to challenge yourself and make time to sit with the Holy Spirit. Evaluate your current relationship with the Lord. Are there any areas where there needs to be more trust? How do you view the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit? Are you friends with the Lord? Are there any areas in your heart that have been off-limits?
I believe in this season the Lord wants to go deeper with you. He wants all of you. He wants to set you free and release liberty in every area of your life! Now Pause. Ask yourself if you want more. Ask yourself if you’re willing and ready to surrender yourself to the Lord in a greater measure. Before you answer, think about this before you commit to the Lord. When you commit to the Lord you need to mean it 100%.
We must be a people of our words especially, when it comes to the Lord. Now that you know what YOU want, let's pray:
Lord, I want to be in communion with You. I want all that You have for me. I want more. I want all of You. You can have all of me. I repent for keeping any part of myself from You. I am ready Holy Spirit, show me how! Show me what I need to let go of.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
Take a step of faith and receive what you need from Jesus
James 4:8
Come close to God [with a contrite heart] and He will come close to you. Wash your hands, you sinners; and purify your [unfaithful] hearts, you double-minded [people].
Action Step:
Make time for the Lord! Allow Him to speak to you. As He reveals things to you, be obedient and do as He says. Make it a discipline and part of your daily lifestyle. Allow His ways to become yours.
I literally felt the fullness of His presence expand within me while reading, as if He was confirming my deep and abiding relationship with Him...🤍
I am so loving this. Yes!😍
What a beautiful reminder, teaching pointing us to fellowship with our Lord. The scripture from Acts is always at the forefront of my thinking when i think about church and communion. "They devoted themselves to the Apostles teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer." Remembering Christ and knowing that He will return. Thank you Shanae for your teaching.😘