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God's Strength is Limitless!

Philippians 4:13

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

When I read this scripture it fills me up with courage and strength. Knowing that I don’t have to depend on my limited understanding. I just need to lean on Jesus and allow Him to do what only He can do. The more I grow and mature in the Lord, the more I realize I NEED Him so much. I’m so thankful that as a child of God we have constant access to the One Who will never fail us. I am truly never alone. He goes before, beside and behind me. When we partner with Jesus, we can do all things through Him. Knowing this truth and walking it out are two different things. How many times do we just read the Bible and glaze over the words and don’t really let the Truth sink deep into us? The truth is that God is for you. He will strengthen you and see you through every trial.

The world is constantly telling us that we are strong in our own strength but we know that isn’t the case. The world tells you that you can do it yourself and you are better for it, that you are all that you need. However, we are limited to what we can do but God is limitless. When we choose to partner with the Lord and surrender over our own ways, He will take you higher. Surrender and know that when you are weak, God is strong.

The strength given to us by God allows to persevere and NOT be overtaken. In the book of Numbers, we see how the Lord led the Israelites out of the land of bondage into the land of promise. We see that it took strength and faith to keep trusting the Lord each day and night and follow Him towards the promise land. However, in that situation, they should have relied on the Lord’s strength and not their own. They never allowed the Lord to strengthen them thus prolonging the journey. We can see how it takes strength not only to enter into the promise land but also to inhabit it. In the book of Numbers, we know how the Israelites got discouraged by what they saw in the natural because it didn’t align with what they had imagined their promise land to be like. It was so bad that the Israelites actually wanted to go back to slavery; go back to a place of bondage with no hope all because it was a place that was familiar to them. A place where they relied on their own strength to get by instead of trusting in what God has said.

Caleb knew the importance to act quickly when you have the direction of the Lord. He knew God wouldn't fail the Israelites nor would he lead them into a trap. Caleb tried to encourage everyone to remember the Lord’s promise.

Numbers 13:30

"Let’s go at once to take the land," he said. "We can certainly conquer it!"

The strength of the Lord and His courage is to look past the circumstance and to move without ceasing and NEVER stop believing. You see it takes strength to behold the promise because it doesn’t look like what we imagine it would. We can miss what God is doing. I understand the Israelites position where everything seems to be the opposite of the promise that they have been waiting for. I know personally how they felt, especially when my husband was diagnosed with cancer. We knew that God is our Healer and we prayed for instant healing and a miracle but he had to have 3.5-hour surgery. His healing didn’t come the way we necessarily wanted or was believing for, but I am here to remind you that God always has a good plan for your life. He is true to His Word. If He has spoken promises to you, He will fulfill them. My husband and I had a choice to make, just like the Israelites did. We decided to be like Moses and Caleb and to put our FULL trust in the Lord.

Numbers 14:8

Moses and Caleb said to the people “ And if the Lord is pleased with us, he will bring us safely into that land and give it to us”.

The enemy will always try to get to get us to do things in our own strength. And he wants us to do it our way with our limited understanding. When we draw upon the strength of the Lord it releases courage, victory, and a sound mind. Hope begins to arise. Not in our circumstances but in hope that is placed in God. Trusting in His Word. As the Lord fills us up, our perspective on our circumstances changes and our gaze gets shifted back to Him. When we are weak, He is strong. He will see you through every time.

1 Chronicles 16:11

Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always.

This is our promise as a child of the Most High. We do not have to strive to make our way.

We do not have to defend ourselves. We are not orphans but have been bought and purchased with the Blood of Christ. We have been adopted and have a seat at the table with Jesus (Rev.3:20).


Lord release fresh dew upon our lives and release Your manna upon us. Lord, I pray that everyone reading this will be awakened to who they are in You. That they already have a seat at the table. That they are in a position for victory. Circumstances do not dictate who they are. Lord, I ask for a fresh outpouring of supernatural strength. I declare that we will enter the land of milk of honey. We will not grow weary and stop but it is when we are weak You, Jesus, are strong. Jesus, we love You and honor You. You are so worthy of it all. We surrender our old mindsets. We hand over all distractions. We receive Your will over our lives.

In Jesus name, AMEN!

I encourage you to join our growing Tribe of fearless women. Sign up for our next seven-month course or for one of our monthly events where we dive into all things Jesus! Build your foundation and be like the five virgins who where ready for the King’s call. The time is now to ready ourselves and to be prepared vessels (Matt.25). If you were blessed by this post let us know. We love testimonies because if He did it for you, He will do it for another!

4 comentarios

Miembro desconocido
11 ago 2022

Thank you‼️Powerful words of strength and encouragement. In Him we can do all that He asks of us snd is required . What a blessing and what a promise.... makes you want to run and leap for joy‼️

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Miembro desconocido
10 ago 2022

Such a great post and a constant reminder that we need His Strength all the time.

Me gusta

Miembro desconocido
10 ago 2022

Thank You Lord for your strength!

Me gusta

Miembro desconocido
10 ago 2022

Yes and AMEN! We need God's strength daily!!!

Me gusta

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Blessed and happy are the people who know the joyful sound of the trumpet's blast! They walk, O Lord, in the light and favor of Your countenance!

~ Psalm 89:15

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