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Eat, Drink & be Merry!

A beautiful outdoor table with a high candelabra overlooking a field with mountains in the background.

2024 is going to be a year FULL of JOY and BLESSINGS. Double portion. A dual package, a year bursting with increase and growth in the goodness of God. Are you ready to receive it? We serve a good, good Father. He lavishes His perfect love upon us daily.  As you continue to read my post, I want you to be encouraged that God is pouring out a new measure of joy for His children in this season. Let’s lock our eyes upon Jesus, focusing and staying fixed on Him and His ways, living a lifestyle that bares a public testimony of His faithfulness. Pause and say, “ Jesus, I want to receive fresh bread and new wine. Holy Spirit help me to receive every drop you have for me.” 

Have you ever heard someone say, “Eat, Drink and Be Merry?”  I thought that this was just a worldly saying. However, much to my amazement it is found in the Word of God. 

Ecclesiastes 8:15

Then I commended pleasure and enjoyment because a man [without God] has no better thing under the sun than to eat and drink and to be merry, for this will stand by him in his toil through the days of his life which God has given him under the sun.

When I read this scripture prior, I logically understood it as talking about food in the natural and enjoyment from a worldly understanding. However, I believe there is so much more to receive. We learned about bread in January and I encourage you to look back and remember what bread represents, you will need it to build upon this month's focus on wine.  It amazes me how bread and wine are paired together in several different Scriptures. We know bread represents so many things: provision, intimacy, relationship, etc.  Most importantly Jesus is the Bread of Life and as we draw near to Him we will get filled up. From this place, you will be ready to receive fresh wine.

Wine becomes part of covenant with the precious Holy Spirit. 

John 14:26

"But the Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor – Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send [in My name, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will help you remember everything that I have told you.”

The Holy Spirit is the One who will always point you to Jesus. We have the honor of living life with Him. Without the Holy Spirit, it would be like air running out.  Take another moment  and ask the Holy Spirit to fill you afresh. To fill every part of your life with Him! 

Ecclesiastes 8:15 points us to joy and celebrating! Life should be FULL. Your life should be like Psalm 1:3, “And he will be like a tree firmly planted [and fed] by streams of water, Which yields it's fruit in its season; It's leaf does not wither; And in whatever he does, he prosper [and comes to maturity].” Drink the new wine that the Lord wants to pour out over you straight from heaven!  This wine is like nothing that this world has to offer. As it fills you up, you will be revitalized and strengthened. Your perspective changes. Your eyes and ears awaken to see and hear what the Father is saying and doing! It is from this place that you enter into rest and peace. It is from here that you will find joy in everything and all seasons! I found so much comfort in this. 

King Solomon who is known as the wisest man in the Bible, shares in the book of Ecclesiastes chapter 9 of how earthly enjoyment is to be received as the favor of the Lord. There are several important points to learn in this passage of scripture that will help us to receive every drop of goodness the Father has for us in every season. 

The passage begins with a command. It says to GO.

Ecclesiastes 9:7-8 says, “ Go your way, eat your bread with joy and drink your wine with a cheerful heart [if you are righteousness, wise, and in the hands of God]; for God has already approved and accepted your works.” Let your clothes always be white [with purity], and do not let the oil (of gladness] be lacking on your head.” The title of this chapter “Men are in the Hand of God” is an  important reminder for you and me. This is our position. We are always in the palm of the Father (Isaiah 49.16). Meaning the Father is so close to His children. The word close doesn’t even begin to articulate or justify His nearness. Take comfort in this Truth.  

With the Lord, we can have a joyous life full of His goodness.  Life will bring its challenges however, when we are anchored with Jesus and in Him, He is sufficient.  He turns the bitter into sweet. (Exodus 15:26)  He makes all things new! (Revelation 21:5) Wine speaks of the renewed love and intimacy you have with God.  As you drink of the wine that the Father is pouring out, allow yourself to be drawn even closer to Him. Deeper into the chambers of His heart.

Song of Solomon 1:4

Draw me away with you and let us run together! Let the king bring me into chambers. We will rejoice and be glad in you; we will remember and extol your love more [sweet and fragrant] than wine. Rightly do they love you.

Living a Kingdom lifestyle means you have an all-access pass to the things of heaven. Learn to posture yourself to receive. Learn to enjoy the “every day” blessings the Lord has for you.  I pray that you are fulfilled and filled up. Remember to feast upon the daily Bread of the Lord. It starts with the Bread. It is from the table of the Lord that prepares the heart, mind and body to receive. In this place, you will build your relationship with the Lord. 

I recently was told about the process of making sourdough bread starter. In order to keep a good sourdough starter, you have to discard some of it before you begin your new batch. That is how you keep a healthy and thriving starter in order to make more bread.  It seems counterproductive until you understand how and why it works. This is a great picture of what we need to do in our own lives. It is important to release the old and make room for the new thing God has for you.

Ecclesiastes 3:5

A time to throw away stones and a time to gather stones; A time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing. 

Let's Pray: 

Jesus, you are the Vine and I'm the branch. Fertilize my soil. Prune away any dead parts. Nourish every dry place within me with fresh oil. Help me to produce good wine in this season. May my life produce a sweet smell that is pleasing to You.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Unknown member
Feb 17, 2024

(Revelation 21:5) Wine speaks of the renewed love and intimacy you have with God.  As you drink of the wine that the Father is pouring out, allow yourself to be drawn even closer to Him. Deeper into the chambers of His heart.

Yes, Abba I desire this more than anything love and intimacy with You.


Unknown member
Feb 07, 2024

Living a Kingdom lifestyle means you have an all-access pass to the things of heaven. what a wonderful way of putting that !!

Dear Shanae, as always you just bubble with the love and wonder of God and I cannot help but be lifted up in the spirit as I read. Bless you. The topics bread and wine have been such a blessing and revealed new and old scriptures that speak such life. Loved your piece.😍


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Blessed and happy are the people who know the joyful sound of the trumpet's blast! They walk, O Lord, in the light and favor of Your countenance!

~ Psalm 89:15

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