The Bible, which is the Word of God, is life. It is not merely words that we read but a way of life that we receive. Psalm 119 says that as the Word gains entrance to our very being it gives light and understanding to the simple. Every word is for our equipping. Every word shapes our world view, enabling us to see and understand with the eyes and mind of Christ. Transforming our minds that we may discern the ways of God. Every word is there to teach us, to encourage us that we may endure and always have hope. (favorable and confident expectation.) May we grow to love God’s word, our daily bread.
May these words stir and thrill your heart as they have mine.
Song of Songs.6:3
I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine.
Simply put Jesus is our beloved and we are His. His love is so great, greater than our imagination can comprehend, and He gave His life for each one of us.
I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine.
And hear what He says to us.
Song of Songs 2:10
My beloved spoke and said to me,
Arise my darling, my beautiful one, come with me.
Come with Me. Our Lord is calling, calling His daughters to come into the quiet. To walk with Him, to come away with Him into the mountains, to walk with Him in the fields, alongside the rivers, to come and be alone with Him. To enter the quiet.
The ways of the world are busy, productive, always doing, and all the while Jesus is calling us to come into the secret place and spend time with Him. Jesus taught us. He went up into the mountains to be with His Father, He moved away from the crowds and frequently sought the quiet place. It was here that He was refreshed and strengthened and equipped to go on. He communed with His Father.
I have known the Lord for 40 years and have always struggled with the busyness of life. Looking after a husband, children and just “doing” life. It was all consuming and at times it seemed as if there were so many balls in the air that some had to fall to the floor. Even being older with a smaller home, kids all grown up and out of the house I still struggle to draw aside and spend time with Jesus. Sometimes it is so much easier than others, but I never feel that “it is enough.” However, I have come to realize, it can never be enough. After all what is enough? And I am learning to understand that my Lord is always, always calling me to come away with Him. To Arise and come away with Him. To come to the quiet. And yes, to enter that place of abiding. Abiding in Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. He is calling me, as He calls you, because we are His beloved.
And as His beloved I walk with Him, all the time, in the busyness and in the quiet. Jesus has given me the Spirit of Christ and it is He, the Holy Spirit who lives in me. He doesn’t move out when I am rushing around trying to finish my chores. He is in me and I am sealed with Him. The more I understand this and live with that truth, the more I am so aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit with me. He is there! Yes, I love to pull aside and go into the fields or the woods where I can be alone with Him, I love to walk with Him as described in Genesis.
I was told by a bible teacher that I loved, that the word Holech (Hebrew to walk) was like Frolic. And ever since I have carried a picture of Adam and Eve playing and just enjoying God as they walked with Him in the beautiful Garden of Eden. My beloved calls me to enjoy Him, to Holech with Him and to walk with Him wherever I am and whatever I am doing.
It is out of this wonderful place of fellowship with God the Holy Spirit that my life is fashioned and molded according to His purpose. As His beloved He prepares me for the days ahead, for the works already ordained for me. It is out of this place, knowing how much I am loved, unconditionally loved that I can have the courage to live without fear, but not only to live without fear but to live with courage, boldness and hope.
The gift of the Holy Spirit is a deposit in me, a guarantee of a life with my beloved for evermore. Right now, here on earth as I walk with Him and one day when I go to be with Him in Heaven. His promise assures me that nothing can ever separate me from Him. Nothing! And in Him I am a conqueror and overcomer. What a gift ! What a promise !
Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, come with me.
May the Holy Spirit have His way in each of us as we yield to Him. (give way, lean towards, not resist). May He forge our future as He the Spirit of Christ manifests Himself in our lives to the glory of our Lord. Our beloved!
We are promised so much, guaranteed so much as we understand the love of God for us His daughters, created in His likeness. I can only encourage you to respond. Hear His call, arise and walk with Him. Your hand in His, His Spirit in you.
I am my beloved’s, and He is mine.
And if you don’t know Jesus, if this sounds a bit strange or weird to you, please know that Jesus loves you and He is calling your name. All you have to do is say YES!
If you have a desire to learn more about God's love and apply it to your daily life, visit https://www.love-renewed.com/
Such a encouraging word!!!!
Thank you Mama Jane for this beautiful outpouring to reflect on! 💗