This week we wrapped up our YouTube series on why Godly leaders need to create. We ended on this scripture from Psalm 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right and steadfast spirit within me.
When God took me to this verse, an old song that I had to sing at district chorus in high school, started ringing through my ears. It actually is my favorite all-time choral piece! And although I have sung that song throughout my adult life I heard it, and remembered it, in a new way today.
The lyrics are straight from Psalm 51:10-11 but from the King James Version: Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy Holy Spirit from me. I can still hear this song from my memory so clearly, as if it was last week, but in reality over 25 years have passed. The song moved me on that day. Those two verses we sung acapella in 6 harmonious parts. It was the first time I heard harmony like that and with so many people. I think when we sang the very first note, in the very first practice, my eyes must have bulged out of my head because I was stunned at the heavenly sound. It was so pure. Obviously it made such an impact that it has stuck with me over all these years. And honestly I could not tell you one other song that we sang this year, or any other year.
As I was writing and prepping for the YouTube video the song was floating around my head. Once again the beautiful memories of that song sprung up a joy inside me which then comes bubbling out. I started to sing it out, then realized I'm no longer a 1st soprano, changed the key, and sang on. I recorded the video, started the editing process, and BOOM! IT HIT ME! The reason this song truly impacted my life because it was God encountering all my senses.
I realized, just today, how God was in my presence all those years ago. He encountered my ears with a heavenly sound, he used my voice to sing out His words and declare them over myself, and He danced with my spirit during this whole process of practicing and performing in the concert. This was not just a song - it was an interaction with God! And when God encounters us so strongly it's not something we can ever forget!
This is how God works. This is one way to come into relationship with Him. God is there with us from the day that we are born. He is constantly pursuing us, talking to us, and waiting for us to acknowledge Him. And even now, while I'm typing, I feel His delight over me! I sense how pleased He is that I've matured and grown enough in my faith to be able to look back and recognize where He was and what He was doing in my life - especially as an outcast teen trying to find her way.
What memory do you have that made a huge positive impact on you? Think about it and then ask God how He was encountering you during this time. You thought the memory itself was powerful but just wait until you have revelation about how God was interacting with you during it. My genuine prayer is that you will also be mind-blown!
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