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Join the Alliance
laboring together,
working towards the harvest.
This Join our intentional response to stewarding the Kingdom of God here on earth.sacred alliance allows us to come together as a community of devoted disciples, passionately cultivating for the Kingdom of God, so that we see the things of heaven come down to this earth.
Step into your role in the family of God
and be mindful of stewarding your time here on earth, for God’s plan and purpose.
This is an invitation to grow in spiritual understanding
while also being used by the Lord to sow seeds of love and grace into the hearts of those around you.
As a member, you are taking the action step
of applying your faith and intentionally dedicating your life to be a beacon of light
and radiating God's truth to every aspect of your world.
Together, we’ll harvest a bounty of blessings, grow in wisdom, understanding and discernment,
so we can outreach to others with the transformative power of the Gospel.
Join the Heavenly Harvest Alliance today
and let your heart resonate with the melody of God's abundant movement
while coming deeper into His love and making an eternal difference in the lives of others.

When do benefits begin?
You'll receive your benefits in the next calendar month. Whether you begin your donations on the 1st or the 22nd, when the new month begins, that is the month you'll receive your benefits.
How do I sign up for automatic monthly donations?
Depending on which form of payment you choose, you will have to set-up automatic donations on your personal payment platform. We do not manage your donations or store payment information - you are in complete control.
Do I have to sign up for automatic monthly payments or can I give manually each month?
You can give manually or choose to set-up automatic monthly donations. You can choose to join a different Alliance group each month. The benefits you receive will be based off of your previous month's donation amount.
What if I am unable to make the live Zoom meetings?
All Zoom meetings will be recorded and the AUDIO-only portion will be sent out via email within 24 hours after the meeting, in mp4 format.
Am I required to donate for a certain amount of months?
No! You are in complete control and we honor where the Lord wants you to sow. Any donation, in any amount will receive Alliance benefits the following month. But we are confident that you'll find value in your Alliance membership and will participate with us for years to come!
Do I need to give one lump sum per month or will my monthly donations be added together?
We encourage you to give once per month so that you can set-up automatic donations. However - all donations given, by one person in one month, through the same payment processor will be added together to determine which level of Alliance you'll be a part of for the following month. Friday emails will confirm where your current level of enrollment is at.
How do I know that I've been successfully enrolled?
We send emails out every Friday to confirm which level you are currently enrolled in. You will only receive one Friday email per donation. Then in the new month, between the 1st and the 4th, you'll receive an email with your benefits and your Zoom links.
Still have questions before you join?
Send us an email and we will be happy to discuss the Alliance with you and answer your additional questions.
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